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  • Writer's pictureLaura Kae

Sin is a bitch

“Sin is a bitch.” so I concluded my most recent phone call with a good friend of mine. During the call, I connected dots to a few things that have happened in the last few weeks. There are dots that connect to the last few years and all the way back to my beginning. I realized I had been wanting something I never really wanted. I realized it through processing something that entirely freaked me out in the last week. I know that is all very evasive, but I really cannot tell you more for the sake of anonymity and confidentiality.

By the end of the very long phone call, dots were connected. We talked about how very, very wounded we were. I have not had a new revelation of what created my wounds. I have just re-realized how deep those wounds are. We talked about how crazy huge the effects of sin are. We take it so lightly. It wreaks lifelong havoc in our own life and in the lives of those around us. We keep doing it. Living in our self-centered little world, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

“I am still there? I still have to deal with that? When is that going to go away? Will it ever go away? Will I ever be whole again?” Then I said, “You know life’s a bitch.” and she said, “No, it’s hard, but…” and I said, “Let me rephrase that. ‘Life is amazing. He is has given it to us in abundance. Tomorrow we celebrate life. Sin is a bitch'”

I shook my head during that phone call and said, “I am sure glad all I have to do the rest of my life is serve Him because I do not know where the rest of this is going.” Sin’s a bitch, and I am tired of it wreaking destruction in my life.

Tomorrow I am going to celebrate He rose again. I get to live. I am sure glad someday I will not have to deal with sin anymore. Some glad morning when this life is over, I’ll fly away. Now that is cheerful thought.

When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that end in eternal doom. But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:20-23


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