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  • Writer's pictureLaura Kae

Safely in His arms

I am learning I am really safe. My safety is completely in Jesus Christ. There is no other source of safety. I am safe because when I hit rock bottom four years, one month and three-ish weeks ago, I made Him my Rock. Tonight I just want to rejoice. He is giving me a heavenly life on earth. I have known for years He promised me an abundant life. I just finally started living it.

I listened to a podcast this afternoon about living in the Promised Land. It was kind of weird because so many times I have heard it thought of as a place we are trying to get to. These days my life is pretty New Testament heavy, so I do not think much about the pictures in the Old Testament of the NT faith.

In any case, the pastor pointed out that if we are in a battle we are in the Promised Land. Except the one time when the Israelites were attacked by the Amalekites, they did not fight battles in the wilderness. Battles are a proof that we have arrived.

I have fought some battles while I was in the wilderness. I would think of them as battles I fought when I was trying to be okay with my self-centered, excuse-driven life five years ago. I was miserable. I was fighting to survive.

My life has been filled with an entirely different type of battle for the last four years. A battle of victory. I remember when I was first saved I could see myself change every day. In many ways I can now, too. Life has gotten soooo good since I finally gave my character defects over to Him. Sometimes I have to re-give them to Him. Yesterday I did. I might have had to once or twice today. I can’t remember. But the bitterness in my heart is gone. I am so glad Jesus has more for me than just quitting acting bitter. He takes the bitterness and anger right out of my heart. I am a new creation. It is the inside that is entirely different.

He knows the plans He has for me. I am safe in those plans. For the last four years, I have been incredibly safe. It did not always feel like it though! I fought some really major battles! I still am fighting some major battles, but I am more and more learning that I am entirely safe in the arms of Jesus. In Him I am completely safe. Following His Spirit is always the safe thing to do.

My anger against God is beginning to evaporate. I am continuing to do my best to repent. His will, not mine, be done. Greater is He in me.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” – John 14:1-4


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