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  • Writer's pictureLaura Kae


I was talking to a friend recently, telling her a story, when she started to laugh and said, “Well, Laura, we never have to wonder what you are thinking! No reading between the lines.” I was thinking about this tonight and it crossed my mind how funny it is to be known for one’s bluntness when one lives by NYC. I must really have no filter. But then I have known I have never been known for my tact. Then I did remember that apparently I can be hard to read in some situations because someone also has told me recently that they never have any idea what I am thinking. Thinking about the comicalness of the combination of the situations and people involved made me laugh until I just about cried. Goodness, but I needed a laugh after today!

I am proceeding swimmingly with writing. Oddly at this particular point in my life, I am finding it easier to connect with God through music than any other way. I think it is the only way I have been able to connect with Him for the last few days. Putting on music as I have been writing really helps keep me positive in spite of the disturbing nature of the writing. I have the hardest emotional parts done now, so this is good. I am only about 25% done with the book though, I think. They say you should make a novel as long as it takes to tell the story. I think I am 25% of the way done.

I did decide today that writing this book makes me 100% I never want to return to any of my past ever again! Period.

I think one of the hardest things I am learning in life is not to try to change people or fix them, but only to love them. Sometimes it is hard to know where all those lines are. I don’t know how to love people all the time, but I sure do want to. It can be so hard to give everything to God and trust He will work all things together for good. It is hard to allow everyone to be responsible for themselves. It is hard to not try to rescue people. But what about love isn’t at least a little bit hard?

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. – I John 4:7


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