Something I have realized in the last few days is that when I think of how I lost the little me used to be, I smile. I don’t smile for where I once was, but generally in the last few days I have reflected with a few friends about how lost that little girl was. When I do, an irrepressible smile covers my face. She was so lost, but she had an enormous faith that though she did not know God now and had no idea how to, she would know Him someday because He couldn’t possibly let someone who wanted Him as badly as she did go to hell. Before she ever was taught how good He was, she clung to His goodness.
It makes me think of the Canaanite woman with the demon possessed daughter. Jesus tells her that dogs shouldn’t eat the children’s bread. Her response? Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. His response? “Woman, you have great faith. Your request is granted.”
I used to think how dreadful it was to call her a dog. Now I think the story has to do with the woman’s faith in God’s goodness. Even in the face of everything culture surrounding her told her about her depravity and her unworthiness, she clung to God being good enough to be good to someone like her. That’s the way I see it anyway.
Eventually that little girl would go through so much pain. She would become a young woman who fantasized about death. Eventually the Son of Righteousness would arise with healing in His wings. He also would be enough for her.
Tonight as that young woman goes to bed, she wants to reclaim some of that stubborn faith that she had as a little girl. The faith that believed God was good. Faith that placed all her hope in Him delivering her long before He delivered her. Sometimes this young woman who has experienced so much of His goodness wishes she had the faith of that little child.
Great is His faithfulness.
He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12